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TwoNav Land according to Pol Tarrés

We interviewed our ambassador Pol Tarrés, a professional trial pilot, to tell us about his experience with TwoNav’s Land software.

TwoNav: What do you think are the strengths of the TwoNav Land software?

Pol Tarrés: The fact that you can make the tracks to suit you, cut, splice, trim…

TN: How do you use Land during your workouts?

PT: During training I don’t usually use it as much since I usually go to places I already know, because if I have to do series or something in particular I don’t risk it. I go more to the idea and not so much to enjoy the route.

TN: What do you think about user help tutorials and mini-tuts?

PT: I think they are very good because they are short and clear, plus they show you how to do it on the screen and they go straight to the point.

TN: What GPS do you usually use Land with?

PT: With the Cross

TN: When you are in one of your events or races, what use do you get out of preparing the route and the possibility of changing it during the journey?

PT: It’s a tool that works very well for us, since many times we haven’t gone before, but almost always we have a track from someone we know or someone we’ve found online. The problem is that they are never 100% what we want and we have to modify them, which Land is perfect for us because we can modify only one part and take advantage of all the other. In addition to being able to make changes from one day to the next and have the track ready for the next day.

TN: What advice would you give to users who are thinking of buying Land?

PT: That it is a very useful tool for those who want to go a step further and explore or do what not everyone does, since it allows you to follow your own route without having to exactly copy that of others.

TN: Focusing on your projects in the short or medium term, how does your year look like? where can we see you next?

PT: Well, we still can’t say anything but it will be a year with a lot of movement, hopefully the pandemic will no longer be an impediment.

What is TwoNav Land?

To discover what Land is, and all its potential, we invite you to read the following blog article.